Featured Presentations

This is a list of presentations that were discussed at the BASC monthly meetings. These presentations are some on-going BASC projects and are stored in the BASC Fileshare Link for future reference.

May 2024: May Bike Month Events of 2024 summary (TBD)

December 2023: First BASC bike ride

December 2023: HSV Progressive Podcast

November 2023: BASC and HUBS Coop on Fox54 News

October 2023: Strong Towns: Crash Studio Analysis of University Drive, Huntsville, AL

October Monthly Meeting 2023: Level of Traffic Stress (LTS) of Bike Route 50- Vivian Terry

August Monthly Meeting 2023: Color-coded Bike Routes Map Project- David Nuttall and Chad Skaggs

June Monthly Meeting 2023: Bike Routes by David Nuttall

May Monthly Meeting 2023: Huntsville Bicycle & Pedestrian Crash Data Report (2015-2022) by Dario Gonzalez